About Us

Welcome to Eurasian Wildlife and Peoples!

Our mission is to protect the interconnected web of wildlife on our planet, reverse losses of wildlife and habitats, and amplify the voices and concerns of Indigenous peoples and local communities across Eurasia.

We envision a world with thriving and resilient ecosystems, where all peoples live sustainably, rooted in interwoven cultures and self-determination.

Our organization grew out of The Altai Project, a Greater Altai-focused initiative that closed its doors in late 2023.



Together with conservation groups, scientists, and community leaders and activists across Eurasia and in the United States, we:

Support wildlife research and biodiversity conservation

Raise awareness and increase engagement in wildlife conservation

Exchange best practices on wildlife conservation with experts around the world

Implement strategies to protect wildlife diversity with a particular focus on protected areas


Whenever and wherever possible in our work, we support and engage with Indigenous peoples and local communities. We believe that Indigenous peoples hold the key to a thriving and resilient planet. We seek to:

Amplify Indigenous voices and raise awareness of community struggles for environmental justice and basic human rights.

Promote the rights of Indigenous peoples to self-determination, self-governance, and sustainable natural resource use

Recognize and aid in protecting Indigenous traditional lands, sacred spaces, and traditional ecological knowledge

Map indicating partner and potential partner geographies

Where/what is Eurasia?

There are many ways to define “Eurasia.” For our purposes, we focus on wildlife and peoples stretching from Mongolia in the east to Eastern Europe in the west. That region encompasses a wealth of ecosystems that are home to many different species and myriad ethnic groups and Indigenous peoples.

How we work

Based in the United States, we seek to bridge the gap – knowledge, resources, expertise, and beyond – between “Western civilization” and Eurasian ecosystems and communities. We:

Raise awareness about nature conservation, Indigenous rights, and sustainable development

Campaign to prevent or mitigate potentially destructive development that threatens ecosystems and wildlife and just transitions for communities

Facilitate knowledge exchanges among experts and communities

Capacity-building in civil society organizations and initiatives

Strengthen protected areas (including sacred sites)

In collaboration with other international nonprofits, we support and participate in activism to prevent or mitigate potentially destructive development that threaten ecosystems, communities, and biological diversity. Our partners are generally people and organizations in the local community, and we strive to maintain long-term relationships.